Results: 3

Investigation of anti-Alzheimer’s activity of aqueous extract of areca nuts (Areca catechu L): in vitro and in vivo studies

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder. Sever cognitive and memory impairments, huge increase in the prevalence of the disease, and lacking definite cure have absorbed worldwide efforts to develop therapeutic approaches. Since many drugs have failed in the clinical tria...

Caracterização da inter-relação entre as vias de sinalização Notch e TLR na paracoccidioidomicose experimental

A paracoccidioidomicose é uma micose sistêmica de natureza profunda que afeta preferencialmente o tecido pulmonar podendo disseminar via linfo-hematogênica para outros órgãos e tecidos, sendo causada principalmente pelo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, fungo que apresenta dimorfismo térmico. O sistem...

Neurobiological pathways to Alzheimers disease: Amyloid-beta, Tau protein or both?

Dement. neuropsychol; 3 (3), 2009
Abstract: Alzheimers disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive decline, including memory loss, behavioral and psychological symptoms and personality changes. The neuropathological hallmarks of AD are the presence of neuritic (senile) plaques (NP) and neurofibrilla...