Results: 8

Impacto de un programa de optimización de uso de antimicrobianos en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel en Panamá

Rev. chil. infectol; 37 (1), 2020
Resumen Introducción: Los programas de optimización de uso de antimicrobianos (PROA) se enfocan en el uso apropiado de antimicrobianos para ofrecer mejores resultados clínicos y menores riesgos de eventos adversos. Objetivos: Comparar consumo y costos de antimicrobianos antes y después de instaurac...

Personal Protective Equipment in the coronavirus pandemic: training with Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the application of Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice for attire and unattire training in the context of COVID-19 and structure a practical guide to the application at this juncture. Methods: this methodological study described theoretical and practical aspects of the applic...

Why is quaternary prevention important in prevention?

ABSTRACT Quaternary prevention consists in the identification of persons at risk of excessive medicalization and their protection against new unnecessary interventions, avoiding iatrogenic damages. Here, we argue about the importance of quaternary prevention in specific primary and secondary prevention. ...

Implementación del rastreo de cáncer de pulmón en la Administración de Salud de Veteranos
Implementation of lung cancer screening in the Veterans Health Administration

Diretrizes para a organização da Rede de Profilaxia Antirretroviral Pós-Exposição de Risco à Infecção pelo HIV-PEP

Indicators to assess the quality of programs to prevent occupational risk for tuberculosis: are they feasible?

Abstract Objective: to analyze the feasibility of quality indicators for evaluation of hospital programs for preventing occupational tuberculosis. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study. We tested indicators for evaluating occupational tuberculosis prevention programs in six hospitals. The crite...