Results: 21

Homeopatia na oncologia pediátrica: é possível? Uma série de casos

A Homeopatia é uma das ciências médicas complementares mais utilizadas para pacientes com Câncer, sendo também utilizada durante o tratamento de crianças com a referida moléstia, havendo relato e debate de seu uso na literatura médica. Visando construir o conhecimento e dividir experiências, rel...

Silicea terra200cH evaluated by two different spectroscopy methods: a pilot study

Spectroscopy has been shown to bea useful method to study the physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. Aim: In this pilot study, we comparedtwo methods (photon scattering and visible-light spectroscopy) in the physicalevaluation of Silicea terra200cH. Methodology: Itali...

Feasibility in seed germination of Hypericum perforatum L. submitted at different temperatures and treatments with high dilutions

Int. j. high dilution res; 18 (3/4), 2019
Background Hypericum perforatum is used as a medicinal plant, mostly in antidepressant treatment. With endogenous and exogenous dormancy, more studies about the germination of the seeds are necessary. Aim: To evaluate the effect of temperature and of preparations of high dilutions on the germination of s...

Management of early years of simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis with pre-defined Homoeopathic medicines – a Prospective Observational Study with 2-Years Follow-Up

Int. j. high dilution res; 18 (3/4), 2019
Background Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (SMCB) is characterized by recurrent mucoid or mucopurulent expectoration in absence of localized suppurative disease. This observational open label study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of homeopathic medicine in SMCB. Methods 1902 patients we...

Estudo experimental da resposta terapêutica em abcessos sub-cutâneos provocados por injeçäo de terebintina em ratos
Experimental research of the therapeutical response in subcutaneous abscesses in mice caused by ingestion of tupentine

Pesqui. homeopática; 12 (2), 1998
Os autores estudaram experimentalmente a açäo antiinflamatória de Belladonna e Silicea em ratos nos quais se provocou abcesso subcutâneo com injeçäo de terebintina....

Reumatismo poliarticular agudo o fiebre reumatica
Polyarticular rheumatism or rheumatic fever

Homeopatía (B. Aires); 62 (2), 1997
Se trata de un caso de reumatismo poliarticular agudo en el cual es utilizado un modelo particular de jerarquización, el cual difiere del clásico en que se da preponderancia a la causalidad, al diagnóstico nosológico adaptado a la terminología del repertorio y a la modalización de los particulares ...