Results: 5

Oral corticosteroids for asthma exacerbations might be associated with adrenal suppression: Are physicians aware of that?

Summary Introduction: Oral corticosteroids (OCS) are a mainstay of treatment for asthma exacerbations, and short-term OCS courses were generally considered to be safe. Nevertheless, frequent short-term OCS courses could lead to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction. Our study aimed at in...

Para entender la acción de cortisol en inflamación aguda: una mirada desde la glándula suprarrenal hasta la célula blanco

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (2), 2017
Glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans) are essential for numerous biological functions. Among critically ill patients, therapy with cortisol has gained strength in recent years, but clinical results have been mixed. A series of events, that may explain the diversity of clinical responses, occur from the sy...

Imbalance in the diurnal salivary testosterone/cortisol ratio in men with severe obstructive sleep apnea: an observational study

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The complex relationship between sleep disorders and hormones could lead to alterations in the production of cortisol and testosterone in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the diurnal trajectories of salivary free-testos...

Hair cortisol in drug-naïve first-episode individuals with psychosis

Objectives: To compare hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) in drug-naïve first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients and healthy controls and to investigate the correlations between HCC and psychopathology. Methods: Twenty-four drug-naïve FEP patients and 27 gender- and age-matched healthy control subjects w...

Estímulo do eixo hipófise-adrenocortical com o hormônio liberador de corticotrofina (CRH) na síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: evidência de ativaçäo do sistema imune-neuroendócrino
Stimulus of hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis with the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: evidence for activation of the immune-neuroendocrine system

Portadores de AIDS podem apresentar alteraçöes primárias e/ou secundárias do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário-adrenocortical (EHHA), com manifestaçöes clínicas que väo de crises addisonianas a quadros de hipercortisolismo. Objeto. Avaliar o EHHA de 20 pacientes de AIDS e 17 controles normais, median...