Results: 3

Beethoven´s illnesses and a craniovertebral junction variant?

Rev. bras. neurol; 56 (4), 2020
Ludwig van Beethoven, the great composer, born 250 years ago, had several health problems and a progressive hearing loss. Gastrointestinal symptoms prevailed among his physical complaints, but there were also frequent headaches, eye pain, and polyarthralgia. Likewise, there are many reports about his alc...

Ludwig van Beethoven, el genio de Bonn atormentado por sus enfermedades: su historia médica

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (1), 2018
Much emphasis has been given to the deafness of Ludwig van Beethoven and its potential causes. However, when analyzing several symptoms reported by himself throughout his life in many letters and his final illness, a common etiology emerges. This article reports the medical history of this artist, based ...

Aspectos historicos e socioculturais da populacao surda

Resgata, contextualiza e caracteriza os aspectos sócio-históricos e culturais da comunidade surda que usa a Língua Brasileira de Sinais com enfoque no modelo socioantropológico. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a revisão bibliográfica em livros-textos e artigos científicos disponíveis na Bibl...