Results: 2

Recent Methods Used for Analysis of Midpalatal Suture Closure Before Maxillary Expansion in Humans: A Systematic Review

The evaluation of the maturation of the midpalatal suture is highly important before making the clinical decision on whether to correct a transverse discrepancy in a conventional or surgical way. For this purpose, there are methods such as hand and wrist analysis, evaluation of maturation of the cervical...

Disjunçäo de suturas cranianas em neuroblastoma

Acta oncol. bras; 7 (1), 1987
O neuroblastoma é considerado um dos mais enigmáticos tumores da infância. Seus sinais e sintomas säo gerais, tornando seu diagnóstico precoce difícil para os pediatras. Os autores relatam crianças com disjunçäo de suturas cranianas que eram portadoras de neuroblastoma. Das 86 com neuroblastoma,...