Results: 3

Correlation between ultrasound velocity and densitometry in fresh and demineralized cortical bone

Clinics; 71 (11), 2016
OBJECTIVE: To compare ultrasound propagation velocity with densitometry in the diaphyseal compact cortical bone of whole sheep metatarsals. METHODS: The transverse ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density of 5-cm-long diaphyseal bone segments were first measured. The bone segments were then divided ...

Alterações Ósseas e do Sistema Estomatognático associadas a Doenças Endócrino Metabólicas
Diseases Bone Changes and changes in the Stomatognathic System Associated with Metabolic Endocrine Diseases

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 50 (4), 2013
Introdução: a prevalência de doenças endócrino-metabólicas tem aumentado nos últimos anos com a melhoria da expectativa de vida da população. Diabete Melittus, hipotireoidismo, hipertireoidismo, hipoparatireoidismo e hiperparatireoidismo podem levar as alterações no sistema estomatognático, c...

Stabilizing effects of a particulate demineralized bone matrix in the L4 interbody space with and without PEEK Cage: a literature review and preliminary results of a cadaveric biomechanical study

West Indian med. j; 62 (8), 2013
We reviewed the biological elements supporting the usefulness of a specifically designed particulate form of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) in spinal fusion, and report some limitations of its use described in the medical literature and in the interbody space using a cadaveric biomechanical model. A lit...