We conducted aseroepidemiological study on the occurrence of anti-Sarcocystisspp. and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in dogs from family farming properties in the municipality of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.Blood samples were collected from apparently healthy dogs between September 2012 and November 2013. I...
ABSTRACT Objective: Describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics and the transfusion strategy of patients at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein with platelet refractoriness and identify their etiological characteristics. Standardize the platelet immunofluorescence technique by flow cytometry as ...
Introducción: La primoinfección por Toxoplasma gondii adquirida durante el embarazo puede causar manifestaciones clínicas graves en el producto de la gestación, hecho tratable y prevenible. Objetivo: Describir evidencias serológicas de primoinfección por T. gondii en gestantes de Atención Primar...
The Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) was used to identify stage-specific antigenic structures in paraffin sections of female larvae and worms and snails tissues, infected with third stage larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Sera from eosinophilic meningitis cases were used to assess reactivity...
Trypanosoma vivax is considered the most important pathogenic Trypanosoma for cattle and causes great damage to the dairy and beef cattle industries. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anti-T. vivax antibodies in dairy cattle from the municipality of Tapira, located in the Alto Paranaíba reg...
Paula, Warley Vieira de Freitas;
Taques, Ísis Indaiara Gonçalves Granjeiro;
Miranda, Vanessa Carvalho;
Barreto, Ana Laura Gonçalves;
Paula, Luiza Gabriella Ferreira de;
Martins, Danieli Brolo;
Damasceno, Adilson Donizeti;
Muñoz-Leal, Sebastián;
Sevá, Anaiá da Paixão;
Dantas-Torres, Filipe;
Aguiar, Daniel Moura de;
Krawczak, Felipe da Silva.
Ticks are significant parasites of dogs in the tropics, where tick-borne pathogens are highly prevalent, especially in areas where tick control measures are frequently neglected. This study investigated the seroprevalence and hematological abnormalities associated with Ehrlichia canis in dogs referred to...
La enfermedad por arañazo de gato es producida por la bacteria Bartonella henselae, bacilo Gram-negativo transmitido desde gatos y perros a los seres humanos a través de la inoculación cutánea por rasguños o mordeduras. Tiene un amplio espectro clínico, desde una forma típica caracte...
Abstract We investigated the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum antibodies in pigs raised in the Northeast of Pará, Brazil. At Study I, convenience sampled 151 pigs at two slaughterhouses, with and without state inspection; and Study II, which assessed 159 pigs with probabilistic sampl...
Anticuerpos Antiprotozoarios/sangre,
Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente Indirecta/veterinaria,
Estudios Seroepidemiológicos,
Enfermedades de los Porcinos/epidemiología,
Enfermedades de los Porcinos/inmunología,
Toxoplasmosis Animal/epidemiología
Abstract Between December 2016 and April 2017, a spate of abortions occurred in a closed dairy herd from the central eastern region of Paraná, Brazil, in which 75 cows aborted. To identify its cause, organ fragments were collected from an aborted fetus for histopathology, and the blood samples from a st...
Aborto Veterinario,
Anticuerpos Antiprotozoarios,
Enfermedades de los Bovinos/diagnóstico,
Enfermedades de los Bovinos/epidemiología,
Enfermedades de los Perros,
Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente Indirecta/veterinaria,