Results: 6

The interference of COVID-19 in the male reproductive system: Important questions and the future of assisted reproduction techniques

Clinics; 75 (), 2020

A meta-analysis on uterine transplantation: Redefining the limits of reproductive surgery

SUMMARY In September 2014, the first baby grown in a transplanted uterus was born, which represented an astonishing scientific progress that will mark the history of human reproduction. The recipient was a 32-year-old woman with Rokytanski syndrome who became pregnant after a successful embryo transfer a...

Reproducción asistida. Noción filosófica de la paternidad ¿Qué se privilegia en cada caso? anonimato y donación de gametas
Assisted reproduction. Philosophical notion of paternity. What is privileged in each case? anonymity and donation of gametes

Human reproduction: current status

SUMMARY The concern about the maintenance of the human species has existed since the earliest civilizations. Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility has led to the development of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) which, along with the evolution of genetics and molecular biology studie...

Tecnologias de reprodução assistida no Brasil: opções para ampliar o acesso

Physis (Rio J.); 25 (3), 2015
Resumo Este artigo revisita o padrão de assimilação e difusão das tecnologias de reprodução assistida (TRA) no Brasil, caracterizado por altíssima concentração desta tecnologia no setor privado da medicina e baixíssima regulação na aplicação destas técnicas. Este padrão gerou enormes difi...