Results: 2

VacciPharma 2020. V International Congress on Pharmacology of Vaccines

Dear colleagues: The Organizing Committee of the V International Congress on Pharmacology of Vaccines (VacciPharma 2020) organized by the Cuban Society of Pharmacology, BioCubaFarma and the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) would like to invite you to participate in this im...

Secado por aspersión de citrato de calcio y magnesio a partir de dolomita
Spray drying of calcium and magnesium citrate from dolomite

Rev. cuba. farm; 49 (1), 2015
Introduction: calcium is an essential nutrient required in substantial amounts, but many diets are deficient in calcium making supplementation necessary or desirable. On the other hand, spray drying is an important technology used in the pharmaceutical industry. In this process the end-product must compl...