INTRODUCTION: Awake fiberoptic intubation has for many years been the gold-standard in patients with difficult airway. Videolaryngoscopy has already shown some advantages in patients with a difficult airway and compared to fiberoptic intubation it uses a technically simpler equipment and it is easier and...
GOALS: Determine the success rate of guided intubation with a flexible bronchofibroscope (BFC) through supraglottic devices: I-gel or Fastrach, establish the degree of fibroscopic visualization and determine the insertion time of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and endotracheal intubation. METHODS: Exper...
We present a 38 years female patient with known difficult airway associated with an important anatomic deformation due to a tumoral removal back in 2014 (maxilectomy). This patient was scheduled for a new tumoral resection at the base of the skull, which was considered a potential regrowth of her maxilar...
Abstract Neonates and small infants with craniofacial malformation may be very difficult or impossible to mask ventilate or intubate. We would like to report the fiberoptic intubation of a small infant with Treacher Collins Syndrome using the technique described by Ellis et al. Case report: An one month...
Abstract Background: Fiberoptical assisted intubation via placed supraglottic airway devices has been described as safe and easy procedure to manage difficult airways. However visualization of the glottis aperture is essential for fiberoptical assisted intubation. Various different supraglottic airway d...
Abstract Background and objectives The decision whether to manage an ambulatory patient with a previously documented difficult airway with a supraglottic device remain controversial. We report an awake insertion of a Laryngeal Mask Airway Proseal™ in a patient with known difficult airway scheduled...
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Flexible fiber optic bronchoscopy is a valuable intervention for evaluation and management of respiratory diseases in both infants, pediatric and adult patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the airway supporting maneuvers on glottis view during pediatric ...
ABSTRACTPURPOSE: The i-gelTM is one of the second generation supraglottic airway devices. Our study was designed to compare the i-gel and the Laryngeal Mask Airway ClassicTM with respect to the clinical performance.METHODS: We compared the performance of the i-gel with that of the Laryngeal Mask Airway C...