Results: 10

Hip Tendinopathies: An Update of Concepts and Approaches

Abstract The present update was based on new scientific evidence of major hip-related tendinopathies. Themes were addressed that involve the principles of the onset of tendinopathies through, mainly, the principle of capacity versus demand and the biomechanical aspects involved in its onset, its main cha...

Reduction of recurrent tendinitis scar using autologous mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue from the base of the tail in Holsteiner horses (Equus ferus caballus)

Int. j. morphol; 38 (1), 2020
As a result of their intense physical activity, racehorses suffer high tendon stress which may result in various pathologies. One of these is tendonitis in the tendon of the superficial digital flexor muscle (TSDFM). Conventional treatment with rest, has not shown to be very effective, and regenerative m...

Resultados de infiltración guiada ecográficamente en tendinitis crónica del bíceps braquial

Acta ortop. mex; 33 (4), 2019
Resumen: Introducción: El dolor anterior de hombro es uno de los síntomas más comunes en la consulta ortopédica, gran parte está asociada con la patología del tendón de la porción larga del bíceps; por lo general su manejo es conservador e incluye infiltraciones, las cuales se efectúan a «ci...

Terapia de ondas de choque en patología músculo-esquelética
Pathology shock wave therapy muscle-skeletal

Extracorporeal shock waves are unique sound waves that generate a rapid increase in pressure in the tissues in which they are applied. They were first used on the management of urolithiasis and later spread to other pathologies such as musculoskeletal. A series of studies have been carried out to support...

Uso de plasma rico en plaquetas para el tratamiento de tendinopatía rotuliana

Objetivo: La tendinopatía rotuliana (TR) es una patología muy frecuente en la población deportista. Se trata de una patología de origen multifactorial en la que se produce un proceso degenerativo sobre el tendón rotuliano. Habitualmente es de muy difícil manejo y con tendencia a la recidiva. El tra...

Histomorphometric analysis of the Achilles tendon of Wistar rats treated with laser therapy and eccentric exercise

Pesqui. vet. bras; 35 (supl.1), 2015
Low-level laser therapy is recommended for the treatment of tendinopathies despite the contradictory results related to the ideal dose of energy, wavelength and time of application. This study aimed to assess the effects of laser therapy and eccentric exercise on tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon of Wi...

Estudo da ação do ultrassom terapêutico em modelo experimental de tendinite em ratos Wistar

Introdução: O ultrassom terapêutico acelera o reparo do tendão. Objetivos: Estudar a ação do ultrassom em tendinite experimental por análises histomorfométrica e histopatológica. Método: Vinte e cinco ratos Wistar, 220-250 g, foram divididos em três grupos experimentais (7 e 14 dias): A7 e A14...

L.E.R.: diagnóstico, tratamento e prevençäo: uma abordagem interdisciplinar