Results: 4

Humerus Diaphyseal Stress Fracture in a Teenage Tennis Athlete: Case Report

Abstract A teenage male tennis player had chronic pain in his dominant arm during tennis practice. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggested humerus diaphyseal stress injury. After 4 weeks, he became asymptomatic and resumed playing. However, pain recurred after 3 days. A new MRI revealed a diaphyseal u...

Construction of intelligent campus tennis players' body data monitoring and injury warning system based on data fusion

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (spe2), 2021
ABSTRACT As far as competitive sports are concerned, scientifically organizing the training process and strictly following the training rules are the only way to success. Tennis is the foundation of all sports. It develops physical and motor skills in a comprehensive and effective manner. Biomechanical d...

Subluxação do tendão extensor ulnar do carpo em jogador de futebol amador: relato de caso de uma doença incomum

O tendão extensor ulnar do carpo também apresenta importância na estabilidade da articulação radialulnar distal. A variância ulnar negativa pode ter uma associação com a patologia do tendão extensor ulnar do carpo, incluindo a subluxação. A subluxação/luxação do tendão extensor ulnar do c...

Dynamic ulnar impaction syndrome in tennis players: report of two cases

Rev. bras. ortop; 52 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT In this report, two tennis players with symptoms of ulnar impaction syndrome are reviewed. Both players have neutral ulnar variance. These cases represent dynamic ulnar impaction syndrome, when the impact between ulna and carpus occurs during conditions of pronated grip. The literature and the t...