Results: 4

Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of levosalbutamol sulfate and theophylline in combined dosage form

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 49 (3), 2013
A novel, simple, accurate and precise RP-HPLC method for simultaneous determination of levosalbutamol sulfate and theophylline has been developed and validated. Separation was achieved on a Phenomenex; C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 µm) using methanol: 10 mM TBAHS(tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen sulf...

In vitro study on the interaction of ketotifen fumarate with anhydrous theophylline

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 48 (2), 2012
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the interaction between ketotifen fumarate and anhydrous theophylline in aqueous media of various pH (1.2 and 6.8). Using Job's continuous-variation analysis and Ardon's spectrophotomeric measurement methods, the values of the stability constants of the...

Identificacao cromatografica de cafeina ,teofilina, teobromina e paraxantina em amostras de urina
Chromatographic identification of caffeine, theophylline,theobromine and paraxanthine in urine samples

O Comite Olimpico Internacional propoe medidas para coibir o abuso de cafeina nas atividades esportivas, mas nao faz referencia ao controle de outras metilxantinas estimulantes, como teofilina, teobromina e paraxantina. No presente trabalho foi proposto um metodo para identificar estes farmacos em urina ...

Antihistamínicos y asma: revisión del tema y ensayo clínico
Antihistaminics and asthma: subject review and clinical assay

Tras un análisis un tanto extensivo de los conceptos antiguos y modernos sobre utilización de antihistamínicos como complementos terapéuticos en el tratamiento sintomático del asma, describimos dos series de investigaciones clínicas. Hemos comparado, en pacientes asmáticos, el efecto broncodilatad...