Results: 139

Reduced genetic diversity and the success of the invasive peacock bass (Cichliformes: Cichlidae)

Braz. j. biol; 84 (), 2024
Abstract Several species of Cichla successfully colonized lakes and reservoirs of Brazil, since the 1960's, causing serious damage to local wildlife. In this study, 135 peacock bass were collected in a reservoir complex in order to identify if they represented a single dominant species or multiple ones, ...

Nonparametric item response models: a comparison on recovering true scores

Psico USF; 28 (4), 2023
Nonparametric procedures are used to add flexibility to models. Three nonparametric item response models have been proposed, but not directly compared: the Kernel smoothing (KS-IRT); the Davidian-Curve (DC-IRT); and the Bayesian semiparametric Rasch model (SP-Rasch). The main aim of the present study is ...

A bayesian network perspective on an attributional model of reactions toward people with HIV

Actual. psicol. (Impr.); 37 (134), 2023
Abstract. Objetive. Attributional theory has been widely studied to understand the overall perceptions regarding people suffering from negative events such as an HIV infection. The aim of the present study is to test the overall attribution model and its influence on the willingness to help, considering ...

The molecular investigations on the subgenus Artemisia Less. of the genus Artemisia L. (Asteraceae) in Turkey

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract The genus Artemisia L. of the family Asteraceae is systematically very complex. The aim of this study was to evaluate taxonomic positions of taxa of the subgenus Artemisia belonging to the genus Artemisia in Turkey using some molecular techniques. In this molecular study, 44 individuals belong t...

Mathematical models to describe the growth curves of Vietnamese Ri chicken

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek...

Covid-19 hospital mortality using spatial hierarchical models: cohort design with 74, 994 registers

Rev. saúde pública (Online); 57 (supl.1), 2023
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between covid-19 hospital mortality and risk factors, innovating by considering contextual and individual factors and spatial dependency and using data from the city of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS The study was performed with a spatial hierarchical r...

Análisis bayesiano del maltrato infantil en adolescentes peruanos
Bayesian analysis for child maltreatment in Peruvian adolescents

Rev. inf. cient; 102 (), 2023
Introducción: El maltrato infantil es un problema psicológico frecuente en niños y adolescentes de todo el mundo. La exposición a diversos tipos de maltrato puede conducir a otros problemas psicológicos y físicos, siendo necesario identificar qué tipo de maltrato repercute con mayor probabilidad e...

Método de captura y recaptura: una experiencia de su aplicación para determinar la incidencia de diabetes gestacional
Capture and recapture method: anexperience of itsapplication to estimatetheincidence of gestational diabetes

Los métodos de captura y recaptura (MCR) se emplean en la estimación de poblaciones mediante la utilización de diferentes fuentes de datos, disponibles e incompletas, que registran por separado un mismo evento. En esta metodología, las fuentes son utilizadas para extrapo...

Estrategia de predicción pacientes con casos de coronavirus; reporte de experiencia Pereira, Risaralda, marzo-abril 2020

Med. UIS; 35 (1), 2022
Resumen Introducción: la infección por COVID 19 corresponde actualmente al evento infeccioso con mayor impacto en salud púbica a nivel mundial, en Colombia, al 30 de abril de 2020 se registraron 6465 casos acumulados, 360 defunciones y 2186 casos recuperados, dado el aumento en los casos reportados m...