Results: 6

Profile of Ankle Isokinetic Strength and Proprioception in Elite Female Handball Players

Int. j. morphol; 41 (4), 2023
SUMMARY: The evaluation of the invertor and evertor muscle strength and proprioception are important in terms of determining the risk of injury in handball players. The aim of this study was to determine the isokinetic strength and proprioception profile of the ankle invertor and evertor muscles of elite...

Analysis of postural control and muscle function performance of older adults participating in a multicomponent exercise program in primary health care

Objectives: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate (1) postural control performance in different postural tasks and (2) muscle strength and power of the hip, knee, and ankle of active vs inactive older adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 61 healthy community-dwelling older adults, classifie...

Effects of wearing an ankle brace on ground reaction forces during jumps in basketball game simulation

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of ankle braces reduces the risk of ankle injuries in basketball players. However, the mechanisms of injury protection provided by the ankle braces in the basketball game are still unknown. Objectives: To analyze the effects of wearing a lace-up ankle brace, and to conduc...

Analysis of acceleration time of ankle in long-distance runners and triathletes

INTRODUCTION: Adequate muscle reaction time is essential for protecting the joints against injuries during sports activities. This phenomenon of time of acceleration has been investigated through methodologies such as trapdoor experiments and electromyography. However, isokinetic analysis is an assessmen...

Analysis of isokinetic muscle function and postural control in individuals with intermittent claudication

BACKGROUND: Intermittent claudication (IC) is a debilitating condition that mostly affects elderly people. IC is manifested by a decrease in ambulatory function. Individuals with IC present with motor and sensory nerve dysfunction in the lower extremities, which may lead to deficits in balance. OBJECTI...

Adaptaciones en el apoyo del pie en niñas que practican danza
Adaptation of feet in girls who are in dance training

Debido a que durante el crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños se llevan a cabo cambios que están modificados entre otras cosas por la actividad física. Se estudió a las niñas que acuden a la Academia Mexicana de la Danza para conocer las adaptaciones que presentan en el apoyo del pie en los diferent...