Results: 2

A histochemical and immunohistochemical study on the gastrointestinal tract of sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

Int. j. morphol; 40 (1), 2022
SUMMARY: In the present study, we aimed to determine the localization and distribution of entero-endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract by immunohistochemical methods and understand the structure of the glycoproteins elaborated by the epithelium the digestive tract regions by histochemical methods...

Argentaffine Cells in the Digestive Tract of Hibernating and Non-hibernating in Chinese Fire-bellied Newt (Cynops orientalis)

Int. j. morphol; 30 (4), 2012
In order to further studying the relationship between the gastrointestinal endocrine cells and the hibernation of Chinese fire-bellied newt, histological techniques were used in this study to explore the distributed density and morphology of argentaffine cells in the digestive tract during hibernation an...