Results: 4

Infecciones respiratorias recurrentes en paciente escolar, asociadas a Síndrome de Mounier-Khün: reporte de caso

Arch. pediatr. Urug; 94 (2), 2023
El síndrome de Mounier Kühn es una patología infrecuente de la vía aérea, caracterizada por una dilatación anormal de tráquea y bronquios. Se debe sospechar ante la presencia de infecciones broncopulmonares recurrentes e irritación traqueobronquial. El diagnóstico se lleva a cabo a través de la...

Flexible bronchoscopy and mechanical ventilation in managing Mounier-Kuhn syndrome: a case report

Säo Paulo med. j; 136 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Mounier-Kuhn syndrome is a rare congenital condition with distinct dilatation and diverticulation of the tracheal wall. The symptoms may vary and the treatment usually consists of support. CASE REPORT: The patient was a 60-year-old male with recurrent hospital admission. He was admi...

Traqueobroncomegalia: a propósito de un caso clínico-radiológico

Tracheobronchomegaly corresponds to the anomalous diffuse dilatation of the trachea and main bronchi, usually accompanied by bronchiectasis, which predisposes to recurrent infections. The imaging study is essential to recognize this entity. A case of a 40-year-old woman, with suspicion of bronchial asthm...