Ainda é desconhecido o papel da amizade enquanto constitutiva da rede de apoio social nos transtornos alimentares (TAs). Esta revisão integrativa teve por objetivo analisar a produção científica sobre relações de amizade em pessoas com TAs. Foram consultadas as bases PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, PsycIN...
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de una intervención multidisciplinar en línea (psicológica, médica y nutricional) en mujeres con trastornos por atracón (TpA). Método: participaron 5 mujeres diagnosticadas con TpA con una edad promedio de 43.2 años y un peso corporal inicial promedio de 9...
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate aspects of eating behavior, presence of non-food substance consumption and negative urgency in women from an on-line support group for eating disorders. Methods Participants (n=147) completed questionnaires for binge eating assessment, Intuitive Eating, negative urgency...
Abstract: "Craving" is a motivational state that promotes an intense desire related to consummatory behaviors. Despite growing interest in the concept of food craving, there is a lack of available instruments to assess it in Brazilian Portuguese. The objectives were to translate and adapt the Trait and t...
ABSTRACT Eating disorders are psychiatric conditions originated from and perpetuated by individual, family and sociocultural factors. The psychosocial approach to treatment and prevention of relapse is crucial. To present an overview of the scientific evidence on effectiveness of psychosocial interventio...