Results: 30

Interpretación psiquiátrica forense de la fórmula de inimputabilidad del nuevo Código Penal cubano de 2022

Med. leg. Costa Rica; 40 (2), 2023
Resumen: En 2022 el Código Penal cubano incorporó una nueva fórmula de inimputabilidad. Este artículo aborda el problema de cómo interpretarla y aplicarla durante las pericias psiquiátricas a imputados. Es su objetivo analizar desde la Psiquiatría dicha fórmula penal para su interpretación foren...

Psychological well-being in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation

Acta sci., Health sci; 44 (), 2022
The aim of the study is to determine the psychological well-being of patients who underwent stem cell transplantation. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 100 patients. Data were collected face-to-face using an introductory information form and the Brief Symptom Inventory.When the results of th...

Análisis de alteraciones del discurso en estados mentales de alto riesgo de psicosis (EMAR): una revisión sistemática

INTRODUCCIÓN: La necesidad de intervenir precozmente en la psicosis ha llevado a la búsqueda de biomarcadores útiles en su predicción, donde el análisis del lenguaje hablado destaca por su fácil obtención y bajo coste económico. En esta revisión sistemática se analizan las principales alteracio...

Influence of migration on the thought process of individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis

Objective: To assess the influence of migration on the psychopathological presentation of individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR) in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: This study is part of the Subclinical Symptoms and Prodromal Psychosis (SSAPP) project, a cohort study in São Paulo, Brazil, desig...

Encefalitis límbica: clínica, patogenia y problemas diagnósticos
Limbic encephalitis: clinic, pathogenesis and diagnostic problems

La encefalitis límbica es una enfermedad infrecuente y potencialmente grave, que puede o no ser paraneoplásica y se caracteriza por déficit de la memoria reciente, alteraciones psiquiátricas y convulsiones. De origen autoinmunitario, está asociada a anticuerpos séricos e intratecales contra antíge...

Lowering costs for large-scale screening in psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of performance and value of information for speech-based psychiatric evaluation

Objective: Obstacles for computational tools in psychiatry include gathering robust evidence and keeping implementation costs reasonable. We report a systematic review of automated speech evaluation for the psychosis spectrum and analyze the value of information for a screening program in a healthcare sy...

Validation of the Portuguese version of the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences and characterization of psychotic experiences in a Brazilian sample

Objective: We investigated: i) the reliability and validity of a Brazilian version of the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE), developed to detect and characterize psychotic experiences in the general population; and ii) the association between psychotic experiences, childhood adversity, a...

Trombosis senovenosa cerebral en un recién nacido con mutación MTHFR C677T tratado con enoxaparina

Rev. chil. pediatr; 91 (3), 2020
Resumen: Introducción: La trombosis senovenosa cerebral neonatal (TSVC), es una patología rara y generalmente grave, de la cual se conoce poco sobre los mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsables y, aunque controvertido, se ha sugerido que la trombofilia genética, puede desempeñar un rol en la patog...

Psychotic and affective symptoms of early-onset bipolar disorder: an observational study of patients in first manic episode

Objective: Presence of psychotic symptoms seems to be a commonplace in early-onset bipolar disorder (BD). However, few studies have examined their occurrence in adolescent-onset BD. We sought to investigate the frequency of affective and psychotic symptoms observed during the first manic episode in adole...

Schneider's first-rank symptoms as predictors of remission in antipsychotic-naive first-episode psychosis

Objective: German psychiatrist Kurt Schneider proposed the concept of first-rank symptoms (FRS) of schizophrenia in 1959. However, their relevance for diagnosis and prediction of treatment response are still unclear. Most studies have investigated FRS in chronic or medicated patients. The present study s...