Results: 5

Síndrome de Rapunzel con doble tricobezoar simultáneo en una adolescente: Reporte de caso

Rev. chil. pediatr; 89 (1), 2018
Resumen: Introducción: Los tricobezoares son acúmulos intraluminales de cabello ingerido. El síndrome de Rapunzel hace referencia a la presencia de los tricobezoares gástricos que se extienden al intestino delgado, sumados a la tricotilomanía y tricofagia, los cuales ocurren preferentemente en pac...

Trichotillomania: a good response to treatment with N-acetylcysteine

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (4), 2017
Abstract: Trichotillomania is considered a behavioral disorder and is characterized by the recurring habit of pulling one's hair, resulting in secondary alopecia. It affects 1% of the adult population, and 2 to 4.4% of psychiatric patients meet the diagnostic criteria. It can occur at any age and is more...

Trichotillomania: a case report with clinical and dermatoscopic differential diagnosis with alopecia areata

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Trichotillomania is a psychodermatologic disorder characterized by uncontrollable urge to pull one's own hair. Differential diagnoses include the most common forms of alopecia such as alopecia areata. It is usually associated with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Trichotillomania tr...

Stereotyped movement disorder in ICD-11

According to current proposals for ICD-11, stereotyped movement disorder will be classified in the grouping of neurodevelopmental disorders, with a qualifier to indicate whether self-injury is present, similar to the classification of stereotypic movement disorder in DSM-5. At the same time, the WHO ICD-...

Trastornos del control de impulsos
Impulse control disorders

Se revisan las patologías incluidas en este grupo de trastornos, sus antecedentes históricos y principales teorías etiológicas. Se destacan los aspectos forenses y se incluyen algunos antecedentes nacionales ...