Results: 36

Review on trypanosomiasis and their prevalence in some country on the Red Sea

Braz. j. biol; 83 (), 2023
Abstract Trypanosomiasis is a protozoan infection affecting both human and animals in almost all parts of the world. It can affect a very large range of domestic and wild hosts including camelids, equines, cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and other carnivores, deer, gazelles and elephants. Thi...

Natural infection of Trypanosoma sp. in domestic sheep from Ecuador

Ciênc. rural (Online); 52 (2), 2022
Trypanosomosis in sheep is a hemoparasitic disease of worldwide interest due to its effects on the health of animals and the economic impact on producers, is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma sp. In the present study, the occurrence of Trypanosoma sp. in sheep from the urban-rural area of the canton Sa...

Metaciclogénesis de Trypanosoma cruzi en Belminus ferroae (Reduviidae: Triatominae) y capacidad infectiva de las heces en condiciones de laboratorio

Biomédica (Bogotá); 41 (1), 2021
Resumen | Introducción. Belminus ferroae es un triatomino de comportamiento entomófago, sin embargo, puede alimentarse de vertebrados ocasionalmente. No se ha demostrado infección natural por Trypanosoma cruzi en esta especie, como tampoco la metaciclogénesis del parásito. Objetivo. Examinar la meta...

Synthetic ligustrazine based cyclohexanone and oxime analogs as Anti-Trypanosoma and Anti-Leishmanial agentes

In the present study a series of 34 synthetic ligustrazine-containing α, β-Unsaturated carbonyl-based compounds and oximes, recognized as anticancer compounds were assessed against protozoa of the Trypanosoma and Leishmania species. Ligustrazine, chemically known as tetramethylpyrazine (TMP), was selec...

Los aptámeros como novedosa herramienta diagnóstica y terapéutica y su potencial uso en parasitología

Biomédica (Bogotá); 40 (supl.1), 2020
Los aptámeros son secuencias de ADN o ARN de cadena sencilla que adoptan la forma de estructuras tridimensionales únicas, lo cual les permite reconocer un blanco específico con gran afinidad. Sus usos potenciales abarcan, entre otros, el diagnóstico de enfermedades, el desarrollo de nuevos agentes te...

Clinical-dermatological, histological abnormalities and prevalence of Trypanosoma caninum and Leishmania infantum in dogs from Midwest region of Brazil

Abstract Leishmania infantum is a trypanosomatid that causes parasitic dermatopathy in dogs. Trypanosoma caninum is another trypanosomatid, which infects the skin of dogs, although cutaneous abnormalities are absent. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of T. caninum infection and its associate...

Clinical and therapeutic aspects of an outbreak of canine trypanosomiasis

Abstract Trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma evansi can seriously affect both domestic and wild animals. This article reports on an outbreak of canine trypanosomiasis on a farm in the Pantanal region of Brazil. The farm had 38 dogs, 20 of which died before receiving veterinary care. The remaining 18 do...

Frequency and factors associated with Theileria equi, Babesia caballi and Trypanosoma evansi in equids from Bahia (Northeast Brazil)

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and factors associated to Babesia caballi, Theileria equi and Trypanosoma evansi in naturally infected equids from the northeast Brazil. Blood samples from 569 equids (528 horses, 8 mules, and 33 donkeys) were collected and tested for the pre...

First outbreak and subsequent cases of Trypanosoma vivax in the state of Goiás, Brazil

Abstract Trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma vivax has increased the reports in Brazil in the last decade. An outbreak is herein first reported in the state of Goiás, from May 2016 to January 2017. The outbreak start occurred in the city of Ipameri (Goiás) after the introduction of 18 auctioned cows ...

Trypanosoma evansi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) in capybaras ( Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris ): prevalence, effect and sexual selection

Rev. biol. trop; 65 (1), 2017
AbstractParasites play a crucial role in the ecology of animals. They also appear to be important in mechanisms underlying sexual selection processes. In this article we study the prevalence, effect and potential role in sexual selection of the protozoon Trypanosoma evansi in capybaras, Hydrochoerus hydr...