Shafqat, N;
Shahzad, A;
Shah, S H;
Mahmood, Z;
Sajid, M;
Ullah, F;
Islam, M;
Masood, R;
Jabeen, N;
Zubair, K.
Abstract Utilization of modern breeding techniques for developing high yielding and uniform plant types ultimately narrowing the genetic makeup of most crops. Narrowed genetic makeup of these crops has made them vulnerable towards disease and insect epidemics. For sustainable crop production, genetic var...
Wheat breeders frequently use generation mean analysis to obtain information on the type of gene action involved in inheriting a trait to choose the helpful breeding procedure for trait improvement. The present study was carried out to study the inter-allelic and intra-allelic gene action and inheritance...
Abstract Six different bread wheat genotypes; two Egyptian commercial varieties (control); Giza-168 and Gemmeiza-11, and four promising lines; L84 and L148, resulted via hybridization and M10 and M34 via radiation mutation program) were rheologically evaluated using extensograph and for protein, analysis...
Li, Huawei;
Guan, Haiying;
Zhuo, Qicui;
Wang, Zongshuai;
Li, Shengdong;
Si, Jisheng;
Zhang, Bin;
Feng, Bo;
Kong, Ling-an;
Wang, Fahong;
Wang, Zheng;
Zhang, Lishun.
BACKGROUND: Abscisic acid-, stress-, and ripening-induced (ASR) genes are a class of plant specific transcription factors (TFs), which play important roles in plant development, growth and abiotic stress responses. The wheat ASRs have not been described in genome-wide yet. METHODS: We predicted the trans...
Ácido Abscísico/análisis,
Genoma de Planta/genética,
Estrés Fisiológico/genética,
Evolución Molecular,
Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa,
Factores de Transcripción/genética,
Wiśniewska, Halina;
Majka, Maciej;
Kwiatek, Michał;
Gawłowska, Magdalena;
Surma, Maria;
Adamski, Tadeusz;
Kaczmarek, Zygmunt;
Drzazga, Tadeusz;
Ługowska, Bogusława;
Korbas, Marek;
Belter, Jolanta.
BACKGROUND: Wheat is one of the most important crops cultivated all over the world. New high-yielding cultivars that are more resistant to fungal diseases have been permanently developed. The present study aimed at the possibility of accelerating the process of breeding new cultivars, resistant to eyespo...
BACKGROUND: Drought is a major abiotic stress affecting global wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. Exploration of drought-tolerant genes is essential for the genetic improvement of drought tolerance in wheat. Previous studies have shown that some histone encoding genes are involved in plant drought ...
Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas/genética,
Proteínas de Plantas/genética,
Estrés Fisiológico/genética,
Silenciador del Gen,
Fenómenos Fisiológicos de las Plantas/genética,
Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismo,
Plantas Modificadas Genéticamente/genética,
Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa,
Estrés Fisiológico/fisiología,
Dong, Jie;
Zheng, Yongxing;
Fu, Yihan;
Wang, Jinxi;
Yuan, Shasha;
Wang, Yonghua;
Zhu, Qidi;
Ou, Xingqi;
Li, Gezi;
Kang, Guozhang.
BACKGROUND: ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), the key enzyme in plant starch biosynthesis, is a heterotetramer composed of two identical large subunits and two identical small subunits. AGPase has plastidial and cytosolic isoforms in higher plants, whereas it is mainly detected in the cytosol of gr...
Background The quality of wheat grain depends on several characteristics, among which the composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits, encoded by Glu-1 loci, are the most important. Application of biotechnological tools to accelerate the attainment of homozygous lines may influence the proport...
Leaf rust of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina (formerly P. recondita f. sp. tritici), is one of the most important foliar diseases of this crop. Lr37 rust resistance gene, which confers resistance in wheat against leaf rust, was introgressed into cultivated wheat from ...
Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología,
Producción de Cultivos,
Genes de Plantas,
Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética
Leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 is located within a interstitial segment of Triticum speltoides Taush. 7S chromosome translocated to the short arm of chromosome 7A of bread wheat. This gene is resistant against currently predominant races of leaf rust from Argentina. The objectives of this study were to i...
Repeticiones de Microsatélite,
Translocación Genética,
Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa,
Enfermedades de las Plantas,
Marcadores Genéticos,
Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética,