ABSTRACT A 53-year-old man with a 3-day history of periorbital swelling and vision loss in the left eye was found to have septic cavernous sinus thrombosis with bilateral orbital vein involvement causing congestive orbitopathy. He was treated with an emergent canthotomy and cantholysis, intraocular press...
ABSTRACT Cavernous sinus and superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis is a rare clinical condition, and little described in the literature. The clinical presentation is nonspecific and highly variable, and symptoms may include red eye, ophthalmoplegia, coma, and death. The main etiology results from infection...
ABSTRACT Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis is a rare but often debilitating and potentially fatal disease. We describe a case of bilateral orbital cellulitis with rapidly progressing cavernous sinus thrombosis and left sigmoidal sinus thrombosis in an immunocompetent 20-year-old military man who had unde...
RESUMEN La rinosinusitis bacteriana aguda es la infección de la mucosa nasal y de senos paranasales, que se manifiesta con congestión nasal, rinorrea purulenta y fiebre, de curso generalmente autolimitado. La trombosis del seno cavernoso (TSC) es una complicación poco frecuente, que se asocia a compro...