Results: 9

Disfunción del conducto faringotimpánico. El ETDQ-7 como herramienta para el diagnóstico clínico

RESUMEN En la actualidad se hace referencia en la bibliografía a una gran variedad de métodos para evaluar la disfunción del conducto faringotimpánico (DCFT), la gran mayoría de ellos requiere de instrumental de alta complejidad y personal altamente capacitado. Pese a lo mencionado, ninguno de dicho...

Comparison between curettage adenoidectomy and endoscopic-assisted microdebrider adenoidectomy in terms of Eustachian tube dysfunction

Abstract Introduction Adenoidectomy can be performed with many ways, including curettage and microdebrider endoscopic-assisted adenoidectomy. Those two techniques have advantages and disadvantages. Objective The objective of this study is to research the effects of curettage adenoidectomy and endoscopi...

Prevalence of hearing symptoms related to patulous eustachian tube after bariatric surgery

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 33 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: Rapid and severe weight loss can result in the reduction of the ear tube lining fat tissue and it becomes patent, leading to symptoms such as autophony, aural fullness and tinnitus. Patients after bariatric surgery have, in theory, a predisposition to the development of such alterat...

Translation, validation and cultural adaptation of "The Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire-7" (ETDQ-7) to Brazilian Portuguese (BR)

Abstract Introduction: Chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction can cause several symptoms and middle ear conditions that can impact patient quality of life. It is estimated to be relatively frequent, affecting approximately 5% of adults. The diagnostic tools for this condition are still inadequate. In 2012,...

Turkish validity and reliability of Eustachian tube dysfunction questionnaire-7

Abstract Introduction During clinical evaluations, in order to interpret patients' complaints caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction and to monitor the success of the treatment, standardized and disease-related scales are necessary. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and rel...

Assessment of Eustachian tube function in patients with tympanic membrane retraction and in normal subjects

Abstract Introduction The diagnosis of Eustachian tube dysfunctions is essential for better understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic otitis media. A series of tests to assess tube function are described in the literature; however, they are methodologically heterogeneous, with differences ranging fro...