Results: 3

Surgical treatment of pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta in a patient with sepsis

Abstract Pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta (PAA) is a hazardous and potentially fatal cardiovascular disease. This condition is caused by the rupture of at least one layer of the vessel and contained by the remaining vascular layers or the surrounding mediastinal structures. We presented the surgical...

Innominate vs. axillary artery cannulation in aortic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Abstract Objective: To investigate whether axillary artery cannulation has supremacy over innominate artery cannulation in thoracic aortic surgery. Methods: A comprehensive search was undertaken among the four major databases (PubMed, Excerpta Medica dataBASE [EMBASE], Scopus, and Ovid) to identify all...

Tratamento cirúrgico das lesöes ulceradas no tronco braquiocéfalico: relato de dois casos
Surgical treatment of ulcerated lesions in the brachiocephalic trunk: report of 2 cases

Arq. bras. cardiol; 49 (3), 1987
a aterosclerose dos ramos do arco aórtico costuma acometer uma zona anatômica que inclui a cúpula do arco e os orificios dos seus três ramos. Menos frequentemente, podem aparecer lesöes ulceradas na parede da aorta proximal à artéria inominada e nas porçöes proximais desse vaso e da subclávia e...