Results: 3

Performance of diagnostic tests for pulmonary tuberculosis in indigenous populations in Brazil: the contribution of Rapid Molecular Testing

J. bras. pneumol; 45 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of rapid molecular testing as a diagnostic tool and estimate the incidence of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis among the indigenous population. Methods: This is an epidemiological study based on secondary data. We calculated the incidence of smear-posit...

Antropologia das doenças transmissíveis: interpretações do contágio e diferenças culturais

Este livro apresenta os resultados de diversas pesquisas realizadas pelo autor sobre o tema do contágio ao longo das últimas duas décadas, em diversos países. Trata-se de material inédito na língua portuguesa e reorganizado no intuito de identificar um único fio condutor e elementos comuns entre m...

Concordance between IFNγ gene +874 A/T polymorphism and interferon-γ expression in a TB-endemic indigenous setting

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) plays a crucial role in resistance to mycobacterial diseases; accordingly, variants of the gene encoding this cytokine may be associated with elevated risk of contracting pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 135 W...