Results: 19

Discordancia entre pruebas de susceptibilidad genotípicas y fenotípicas para tuberculosis en Cali, Colombia: un reto en la práctica clínica

Rev. chil. infectol; 40 (6), 2023
INTRODUCCIÓN: La detección de patrones de resistencia de Mycobacterium tuberculosis se basa en pruebas de susceptibilidad fenotípicas y genotípicas. Los resultados discordantes entre ellas son un desafío clínico para el manejo de pacientes con tuberculosis resistente a fármacos. OBJETIVO: Evaluar ...

Barriers faced by patients in the diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To understand patients' narratives about the barriers they faced in the diagnosis and treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and their consequences in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. METHODS This is a qualitative cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling. A theore...

Tuberculosis farmacorresistente en provincia Guantánamo, 2010-2019

Rev. inf. cient; 100 (4), 2021
RESUMEN Introducción: En los últimos 10 años en Cuba y, especialmente, en provincia Guantánamo se ha observado incremento del número de pacientes tuberculosos farmacorresistentes; esta es la provincia de mayor incidencia en el país. Objetivo: Identificar las características epidemiológicas y ...

Cost-effectiveness of Xpert®MTB/RIF in the diagnosis of tuberculosis: pragmatic study

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The intensification of research and innovation with the creation of networks of rapid and effective molecular tests as strategies for the end of tuberculosis are essential to avoid late diagnosis and for the eradication of the disease. We aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness ...

Directrices unificadas de la OMS sobre el tratamiento de la tuberculosis farmacorresistente

Las cepas del bacilo tuberculoso con farmacorresistencia (TB-DR) son más difíciles de tratar que las farmacosensibles y amenazan el progreso mundial hacia los objetivos establecidos por la Estrategia Fin de la TB, de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Por lo tanto, existe una necesidad imperio...

Avaliação do Sistema de Vigilância da Tuberculose Drogarresistente, Brasil, 2013-2017

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 29 (1), 2020
Objetivo: avaliar o Sistema de Vigilância da Tuberculose Drogarresistente (SV-TBDR)/Brasil. Métodos: estudo avaliativo, segundo diretrizes do Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças, sobre dados nacionais do Sistema de Informação de Tratamentos Especiais de Tuberculose (SITETB) e do Sistema de ...

Genotype®MTBDRplus and Xpert®MTB/RIF in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and resistant tuberculosis: cost analysis in a tertiary referral hospital

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The present study sought to assess the mean and activity based cost (ABC) of the laboratory diagnosis for tuberculosis through the application of conventional and molecular techniques-Xpert®MTB/RIF and Genotype®MTBDRplus-in a tertiary referral hospital in Brazil. METHODS: The...

Factors associated with tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in patients treated at a tertiary referral hospital in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the risk factors for the development of tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in patients treated at a tertiary referral hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on data obtained from patients treated at the Júlia Kubitschek Hospita...

Control de la tuberculosis multirresistente a fármacos: un objetivo posible

Biomédica (Bogotá); 39 (3), 2019

Speeding up the diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a high-burden region with the use of a commercial line probe assay

J. bras. pneumol; 45 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the rapid diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, by using a commercial line probe assay for rifampicin and isoniazid detection (LPA-plus), in the routine workflow of a tuberculosis reference laboratory. Methods: The LPA-plus was prospectively evaluated on 341 iso...