Results: 3

Nodular image in the appendix observed on ultrasound: endometriosis or neuroendocrine neoplasia?

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the association between clinical and imaging with surgical and pathological findings in patients with suspected neuroendocrine tumor of appendix and/or appendix endometriosis. Methods: Retrospective descriptive study conducted at the Teaching and Research Institute of Ho...

Tumor carcinoide atípico solitario de timo: una entidad inusual que no debemos olvidar

Rev. chil. radiol; 26 (3), 2020
Resumen: Los tumores neuroendocrinos primarios (NET) del mediastino son muy raros. Presentamos el caso de un tumor carcinoide atípico primario de timo. Un hombre de 52 años que fue a un examen médico porque se quejaba de tos no productiva sin hemoptisis. Se solicitó una radiografía de tórax donde s...

Endobronchial carcinoid tumor: Radiological findings of a clinical case

Summary We describe the case of a female patient, 21 years old, complaining of dyspnea attacks and wheezing 2 years ago. Chest radiography showed volume loss in the left lower lobe and ipsilateral retrocardiac triangular basal opacity. CT scan showed an extensive solid mass with apex protruding into the ...