Results: 8

Abnormalities of the hallux skin and nail in the course of very rare arteriovenous malformation

J. vasc. bras; 19 (), 2020
Abstract Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are usually found in the pelvic area and the brain. These vascular anomalies are rarely reported in the toes. AVMs in the toes may be asymptomatic, but can also cause atypical symptoms. Congenital AVMs can expand as patients age and manifest in adulthood. They ...

Paquioniquia congénita tipo I o síndrome de Jadassohn- Lewandowsky: un caso de presentación familiar

Med. lab; 24 (4), 2020
La paquioniquia congénita es una rara genodermatosis de herencia autosómica dominante, que produce alteración de la queratinización a nivel de piel, uñas y mucosas. El primer caso fue descrito por Jadassohn y Lewandowsky en 1906, y actualmente afecta a miles de personas en el mundo. El Registro Inte...

Do you know this syndrome? Nail patela syndrome: a pathognomonic dermatologic finding

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (2), 2017
Abstract: The nail-patella syndrome involves a clinical tetrad of changes in the nails, knees, elbows and the presence of iliac horns. Nail changes are the most constant feature: absent, hypoplastic, or dystrophic. A pathognomonic finding is the presence of the triangular lunula. The diagnosis of nail-pa...

Comparative microscopic analysis of nail clippings from patients with cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (1), 2017
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The nail involvement in psoriasis is related to psoriatic arthritis and may represent a predictor of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To analyze, through nail clipping, clinically normal and dystrophic nails of patients with cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. METHODS: This is a...

Nail abnormalities in patients with vitiligo

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (4), 2016
Abstract: Background: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary skin disorder affecting 0.1-4% of the general population. The nails may be affected in patients with an autoimmune disease such as psoriasis, and in those with alopecia areata. It has been suggested that nail abnormalities should be apparent in vi...

Syndrome in question

An. bras. dermatol; 90 (3), 2015
Abstract The Iso-Kikuchi Syndrome is a rare condition characterized by nail dysplasia involving the index fingers, including micronychia, polyonychia, anonychia, irregular lunula, malalignment and hemionychogryphosis. On the antero-posterior image, radiologic examination reveals a narrowing of the distal...

Onicomatricoma: tumor raro do aparelho ungueal: relato de três casos

Os onicomatricomas são tumores benignos raros que se originam a partir da matriz ungueal e do estroma subjacente. São geralmente assintomáticos e de crescimento lento. Acometem igualmente homens e mulheres de meia idade, comprometendo com maior frequência os dígitos das mãos. As características cl...

Sindrome da unha amarela: a proprósito de um caso com derrame pericárdico
Yellow mail syndrome: apropos of a case with pericardial effusion

Arq. bras. med; 62 (6), 1988
A síndrome da unha amarela com preende três elementos: edema linfático, alteraçöes ungueais e manifestçöes pleuropulmonares. No caso relatado o quadro clínico característico é acompanhado de derrame pericárdico, até hoje näo descrito nesta síndrome ...