Results: 34

Desempeño comparativo de ecuaciones de estimación de excreción urinaria de creatinina

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (11), 2021
BACKGROUND: 24-hour urine collection accuracy is generally evaluated based on the values of urine creatinine (UCr) excretion, usually using ranges adjusted by weight. UCr excretion depends on several factors. Equations to estimate UCr in 24-hour collection (UCr/24h) that consider these factors have been ...

Use of ammonium chloride to prevent urolithiasis in sheep

Urolithiasis has a high incidence among confined sheep. It is multifactorial and may cause economic damage. Our aim was to determine the capacity of urinary acidification using ammonium chloride in sheep. Twenty-five 3-month-old male sheep were confined and randomly divided into three groups; the G200 an...

Comparação entre os resultados da urinálise e dosagens bioquímicas urinárias de amostras de urina coletadas pelas técnicas de cistocentese guiada por ultrassom e sondagem uretral em cães

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 28 (2), 2021
Objetivou-se no presente estudo comparar as técnicas de coleta de urina via sondagem uretral e cistocentese guiada por ultrassom, afim de verificar se o método de coleta pode influir nos resultados laboratoriais. Foram utilizados 12 cães machos, sem histórico de enfermidades, dos quais coletou-se cin...

Nueva ecuación para la estimación de la natriuresis diaria a partir de parámetros en plasma y orina aislada en población chilena

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (2), 2021
Background: Excessive sodium intake is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Daily sodium intake is usually inferred from sodium excretion in a 24-hour urine collection, which is cumbersome and prone to errors. Different formulas have attempted to estimate 24-hour urinary sodi...

Fluid balance during taekwondo training

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction Dehydration has been described as one of the main factors of reduced performance in combat sports activities, leading to death in extreme cases. Objective To investigate the pre-training hydration status and changes in fluid homeostasis during two taekwondo training sessions. M...

Desempenho de diferentes marcas de tiras reagentes relativo à densidade e à análise química da urina de cães e gatos

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet; 28 (1), 2021
Objetivou-se verificar a compatibilidade entre diferentes marcas de tiras reagentes para urinálise, tanto de uso veterinário, como de uso humano, e confrontar os parâmetros semiquantitativos desse instrumento com métodos quantitativos. Para isso, foram analisadas 77 amostras frescas de urina de cães...

Koilocytes due to HPV in the urine sediment

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Koilocytes are the hallmark of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and can be observed during routine cytology tests stained by Papanicolaou. However, the test is not part of the routine urinalysis report. Here we describe a case on HPV subtype 6 infection diagnosed after finding koilocytes in ...

Insuficiência renal aguda em pacientes com COVID-19

Rev. bras. anal. clin; 52 (2), 2020
Apesar de inicialmente terem surgido como agentes etiológicos de resfriados comuns, os coronavírus se tornaram uma ameaça global no século XXI, provocando síndromes respiratórias com alto poder de transmissão e contribuindo para quadros graves que podem levar à morte. Além dos coronavírus que ...

Bladder pseudo-tumor: case report of vesical tamm-horsfall protein deposit

Int. braz. j. urol; 46 (3), 2020

Toxicity evaluation of water extract of tissue-cultured Taraxacum formosanum by acute, subacute administration, and Ames test

BACKGROUND: Taraxacum species (commonly known as dandelion) used as herbal medicine have been reported to exhibit an antiproliferative effect on hepatoma cells and antitumor activity in non-small-cell lung cancer cells. Although several investigations have demonstrated the safety of Taraxacum officinale,...