Results: 7

Cantharis dissolves calculus in the ureter of a kitten: case repor

Urolithiasis is a disease thatcan occur alone or together, obstruct the urinary flow, and even progress to the animal's death. Objective:The present study is to report the dissolution of calculus in the ureter in a kitten. Methodology: a feline, SRD, male, started at 3 months old with the signs o...

Urinary lithiasis: evaluation of the use of laser vs. Pneumatic ureteral lithotripsy

The Guidelines Project, an initiative of the Brazilian Medical Association, aims to combine information from the medical field in order to standardize producers to assist the reasoning and decision-making of doctors. The information provided through this project must be assessed and criticized by the phy...

Epidemiology of urolithiasis consultations in the Paraíba Valley

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 43 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: to know the epidemiological profile of patients with urolithiasis in the Paraíba Valley region, identifying its prevalence and spatial distribution. Method: we conducted a cross-sectional study, by residence location in the Paraíba Valley, on morbidity data due to urolithiasis obt...

Tratamento alternativo em gatos acometidos por DITUIF

This report describes two cases of male cats affected by FLUTD (Feline lower urinary tract disease). The first patient had been affected by numerous relapses after passing through various therapeutic treatments and surgical interventions, and was subjected to the alternative protocol after being recommen...

Litíase urinária e gestação

J. bras. nefrol; 36 (3), 2014
A litíase urinária é frequentemente diagnosticada durante a gestação. O diagnóstico de nefrolitíase assintomática durante a gestação não requer medidas adicionais, apenas o seguimento do pré-natal normal. Contudo, quando ocorre cólica renal ou complicações decorrentes da litíase urinária...

Evaluación del efecto antiurolitiásico e influencia en la función renal del extracto seco hidroalcohólico al 70% de Mikania cordifolia (L. f.) Willdenow en litiasis renal inducida en animales de experimentación
Evaluation of the anti-urolithic effect and influence on renal function of 70% hydroalcoholic dry extract of Mikania cordifolia (L. f.) Willdenow in induced kidney stones in experimental animals

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de tipo antiurolitiásico y la influencia en la función renal del extracto seco hidroalcohólico al 70% de Mikania cordifolia. (L.f.) Wildenow administrado por vía oral en ratas Holtzman previa inducción de litiasis renal por el método d...