Results: 10

Adverse events of the yellow fever vaccine in chronic urticaria: evaluation of patients treated or not with omalizumab compared to healthy individuals

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (4), 2021

Serious adverse event: late neurotropic disease associated with yellow fever vaccine

ABSTRACT The yellow fever is a systemic disease that was under control due to the effective campaigns against the vector and promotion of vaccines programs. However, since 1999, outbreaks appeared because of inefficient control of the vector, and led to the need of amplifying the immunization in large sc...

Clinical management of leprosy patients during the yellow fever outbreak in Brazil

Braz. j. infect. dis; 22 (6), 2018

Yellow fever vaccination and neurological complications

Cutaneous lesions caused by the yellow fever vaccine - have you ever seen them?

SUMMARY The Yellow Fever virus was isolated in 1927 and the disease is considered endemic and epidemic in tropical regions of South America and Africa, with thousands of new cases reported annually. Several side effects of the vaccine have already been reported. Although reports of skin rash secondary to...

Vacina contra a febre amarela: reações adversas e populações de risco

A febre amarela é uma doença infecciosa grave causada por um arbovírus e transmitida pelos mosquitos Haemagogus (ciclo silvestre) e Aedes aegypti (ciclo urbano). Os sintomas mais comuns são febre, calafrios, cefaleia, mialgia e náuseas. Uma parcela dos pacientes desenvolve as formas graves, que pode...