Results: 7

Venenos animais como possíveis ferramentas terapéuticas contra o estresse oxidativo em diversas doengas: Revisao da Literatura

Acta toxicol. argent; 29 (2), 2021
Resumo Venenos sao uma substancia tóxica (composta por uma ou mais toxinas) que podem causando lesao fisiológica dependente da dose. As toxinas sao moléculas bioativas formadas principalmente por compostos enzimáticos e nao enzimático que porque provocam consequéncias indesejáveis nas presas, alé...

Mutualistic interaction of aphids and ants in pepper, Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutenscens (Solanaceae)

Rev. biol. trop; 69 (2), 2021
Abstract Introduction: Adequate biological identification is fundamental for establishing integrated pest management programs and identifying the trophic and mutualist relationships that can affect pest population dynamics. Aphids are the main pest of pepper Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae) crops in Southweste...

Identification, expression and characterization of the recombinant Sol g 4. 1 protein from the venom of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata

Fire ant venom is a complex mixture consisting of basic piperidine alkaloids, various biologically active peptides and protein components, including a variety of major allergenic proteins. Tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata is an important stinging ant species that causes anaphylaxis and serious medic...

Peptidomic investigation of Neoponera villosa venom by high-resolution mass spectrometry: seasonal and nesting habitat variations

Advancements in proteomics, including the technological improvement in instrumentation, have turned mass spectrometry into an indispensable tool in the study of venoms and toxins. In addition, the advance of nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry allows, due to its ...

Characterization of the allergen Sol gem 2 from the fire ant venom, Solenopsis geminata

Sol i 2 is a potent allergen in Solenopsis invicta venom, and most humans exhibit reactivity to it. The Sol gem 2 allergen found in the venom of the Thai tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata was analysed in the present study. The protein was present in higher amounts than other proteins, as determined b...

Los venenos en dermatología
The venoms in dermatology

Homeopatía (B. Aires); 60 (3), 1995

Trauma ocular por Himenópteros: aspectos clínicos e histopatológicos
Ocular trauma by Himenopteros: clinical and hystopathological aspects

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 53 (1), 1990
Säo apresentados 3 casos clínicos de trauma ocular por insetos da ordem dos Himenópteros. Tais acidentes säo pouco frequentes em grandes cidades. Os insetos inoculam nos tecidos oculares misturas de substâncias altamente tóxicas, como aminas, peptídeos, enzimas. Todos os casos apresentavam altera...