Results: 3

In vivo and ex vivo dermoscopy of lesions from implantation of human papillomavirus in tattoos: report of two cases

An. bras. dermatol; 95 (1), 2020
Abstract The number of individuals with tattoos has been increasing worldwide, alongside with reports of complications varying from reactions to the injected pigments to infections caused by agents inoculated in the pigmentation process. The diagnosis of such unwanted events can be obtained through compl...

Burden of genital warts in Colombia: an observational study

Introduction: Genital warts are benign lesions caused by sexual transmission of human papillomavirus types 6 and 11, with significant impact on healthcare resource use and patients’ quality of life. Objective: To describe the epidemiology of genital warts in adults visiting a physician office for any r...

Presençca de condiloma lata em criançcas com síilis

Introdução: doenças sexualmente transmissíveis são verdadeiras epidemias e a sífilis vem causando danos ao longo da história, só se comparando com a aids. Objetivo: relatar três casos de sífilis em crianças, com manifestação clínica inicial de condiloma lata. Método: relato de caso por rev...