Results: 48

Knowledge and attitudes related to erosive tooth wear of professional wine tasters: a cross-sectional study

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (1), 2023
Objective: this study aimed to evaluate knowledge and attitudes of professional wine tasters about erosive tooth wear. Material and Methods: two questionnaires were applied to 56 wine tasters during the 25th National Evaluation of Wines - Safra 2017 in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive ...

Estabilidad de color de dientes naturales ante diferentes bebidas: estudio in vitro
Color stability of natural teeth against different drinks: in vitro study

Rev. ADM; 78 (2), 2021
El color es un efecto visual de los rayos de luz reflejándose y su concepto es complejo por ser una sensación que se percibe y por las características electromagnéticas. Los dientes varían espacialmente porque son curvados, tienen prolongaciones relativamente pequeñas y vistas en contra de una vari...

Composição volátil das uvas ao espumante da cv. Chardonnay em diferentes condições de manejo no sul de Minas Gerais (Brasil)

O aroma é um dos fatores mais importantes na determinação da qualidade e do caráter do vinho. Isso se deve à presença de compostos voláteis que estão associados às suas características organolépticas ou diferentes proporções entre estes compostos que podem ser influenciadas por fatores vití...

Dynamic changes of total acid and bacterial communities during the traditional fermentation of Hong Qu glutinous rice wine

Background: Hong Qu glutinous rice wine (HQGRW) is brewed under non-aseptic fermentation conditions, so it usually has a relatively high total acid content. The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of the bacterial communities and total acid during the fermentation of HQGRW and elucidate the...

Avaliação do crescimento de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes em fotobiorreator tubular empregando nutrientes provenientes da vinhaça tratada

vinhaça é resultante da produção de álcool, após a fermentação do mosto e destilação do vinho. É um resíduo rico em nutrientes, principalmente matéria orgânica, nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. Para ser despejado em rios e lagos, esse efluente deve passar por tratamentos para remoção de...

Evaluation of the effect of tooth polishing on color stability after in-office bleaching treatment

Introduction: One of the most commonly used corrective methods for staining teeth is tooth bleaching. However, subclinical alterations may occur in the micromorphology of dental tissues during the bleaching procedure, such as increases in porosity and surface roughness. Consequently, dental enamel may be...

Disentangling the genetic bases of Saccharomyces cerevisiae nitrogen consumption and adaptation to low nitrogen environments in wine fermentation

Biol. Res; 53 (), 2020
The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been considered for more than 20 years as a premier model organ- ism for biological sciences, also being the main microorganism used in wide industrial applications, like alcoholic fermentation in the winemaking process. Grape juice is a challenging environm...

Effect of Artificial Ageing Using Different Wood Chips on Physico-chemical, Sensory and Antimicrobial Properties of Apple Tea Wine

Abstract: Freshly prepared apple tea wine (a combination of tea extract and apple juice) is having yeasty and dull flavour, which needs to be improved to increase the acceptability of this product. Therefore, an attempt has been made for artificial ageing of apple tea wine using different wood chips to i...

Enzymes modulation by dried grape pomace from the manufacture of wines and juices

The processing of grapes for the manufacture of juices and wines, generates large quantities of by-products rich in metabolites with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cicatrizing activities. The high homology between human enzymes and snake venoms makes the latter valuable laboratory tool...

Bioactive compounds in wines produced in a new area for vitiviniculture in Brazil

Biosci. j. (Online); 35 (5), 2019
Wines are known for its high content of bioactive compounds that can be influenced by the region and climate where the grapes are produced. New regions of production are normally developed using techniques and standards for other traditional regions, but is important to characterize the wine profile, whi...