Results: 9

La suplementación con calcio y vitamina D durante la premenopausia no mejoró la densidad mineral ósea de personas sanas
Calcium and vitamin D supplementation during premenopause did not improve bone mineral density in healthy people

Impact of supplemental vitamins and natural honey for treatment of COVID-19: A review

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to assess whether vitamin C, vitamin D, and natural honey can be administered in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic for promising in line methods with recent evidence. Both systematic literature and clinical trial identification were conducted by searching various d...

Caracterización de pacientes con osteoporosis tratadas con Vitamina D 100. 000 UI mensualmente
Characterization of patients with osteoporosis treated with Vitamin D 100,000 IU monthly

Introducción: La vitamina D en la piel tras la exposición solar se constituye en precursor y agente anabólico óseo que esti- mula el transporte activo de calcio a través de la mucosa intestinal. La Sociedad Europea de Aspectos Clínicos y Económicos de la osteoporosis y osteoartritis, recomienda qu...

Mitos y realidades sobre el aporte de lácteos y calcio

Rev. chil. reumatol; 36 (3), 2020
Desde una perspectiva histórica, el consumo de leche de otros mamíferos y sus derivados ha jugado un rol importante en el desarrollo de la sociedad humana. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se han planteado dudas respecto al real beneficio del consumo de productos lácteos y suplementos de calcio en l...

Use of active metabolites of vitamin D orally for the treatment of psoriasis

SUMMARY Objective: The objective of this study was to analyse the existing bibliographic production on clinical trials related to the use of vitamin D for oral treatment of psoriasis. Method: A literature review of clinical trials related to the use of vitamin D for oral treatment of psoriasis, publish...

Hypercalcemia and acute renal insufficiency following use of a veterinary supplement

J. bras. nefrol; 39 (4), 2017
Abstract A previously healthy 24 yo male presented with a two-month history of epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and malaise. He reported abuse of different substances, including an injectable veterinary vitamin compound, which contains high doses of vitamin A, D and E, and an oily vehicle that ...

Controversias sobre el rastreo de los niveles séricos de vitamina D y su suplementación

Si bien los niveles bajos de vitamina D se han asociado con varios resultados de interés en salud, aún resulta motivo de controversia qué significa un nivel bajo, cual es la utilidad de su suplementación y cuales son sus potenciales efectos adversos. En ese contexto, se realizó en el Servicio de M...

Hypovitaminosis D in patients with Crohn's disease

Objective: Vitamin D has been widely studied as a mediator of the immune response, becoming evident the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in patients with Crohn's disease. This work aims at evaluating the serum levels of vitamin D in patients suffering from Crohn's disease in a southeast region of Brazil. ...

Vitamin D axis and its role in skin carcinogenesis: a comprehensive review

Appl. cancer res; 36 (), 2016
Vitamin D (VD) is a secosteroid hormone that is mainly synthesized in the skin upon exposure to UVB radiation. VD is widely known for its role in calcium metabolism; however, multiple endocrine, paracrine and autocrine functions of VD have been described, including a prominent role on carcinogenesis. In ...