Results: 3

The Xylitol Applicability and its Effects in Health Area Worldwide: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on Randomized Controlled Trials

ABSTRACT Objective To describe and evaluate the xylitol products' applicability and its effects in the health area worldwide utilizing a bibliometric analysis from randomized controlled trials (RCT) with humans. Material and Methods Electronic searches were carried out in Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Cochra...

Remineralizing Effect of Xilitol, Juniperus Communis and Camellia Sinensis Added to a Toothpaste: An In Vitro Study

Odovtos (En línea); 22 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore the remineralizing effect of toothpastes based on Xilitol, Camellia Sinensis and Juniperus Communis. An in vitro experimental study was carried out in an 18 human premolars sample, which were treated with one of the 3 evaluated toothpastes and a control fluor...

Efecto de una Pasta Dental Comercial Conteniendo Xilitol Sobre el Recuento de Streptococcus Mutans en Saliva de Gestantes: Ensayo Clínico Controlado Aleatorizado

RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de una pasta dental comercial conteniendo xilitol sobre el recuento de Streptococcus mutans en saliva de gestantes. El presente fue un ensayo clínico, a doble ciego, que se realizó en el Centro de Salud "José Olaya" (Chiclayo Perú), e...