Rev. am. med. respir; 19 (3), 2019
Publication year: 2019
Arterial hypertension and obstructive sleep apneas are high prevalence diseases frequently associated. Understanding the hemodynamic profiles would allow treatment administration basing on the changes produced by the combination of both diseases. Materials and Methods:
A prospective, exploratory pilot study was conducted with the purpose of characterizing the hemodynamic patterns of patients referred to the Arterial Hypertension Center who were without pharmacological treatment at the time of consultation. The hemodynamic pattern and thoracic fluid content were evaluated by impedance cardiography. In addition, office and 24-hour ambulatory monitoring of arterial pressure values were recorded; and the suspicion of sleep apnea was objectively assessed by means of home respiratory polygraphy. Results:
58 patients were included. The diagnosis of sleep apnea was confirmed in 84.5% of the cases (46.5% moderate to severe), and arterial hypertension in 65.2%. The findings of this study showed a progressive decrease in the proportion of the normodynamic pattern and normal thoracic fluid content, in relation to the increase in the severity of the respiratory sleep disorder (p 0.5). Furthermore, office systolic and diastolic pressure showed a progressive increase in relation to the increase in the severity of sleep apnea (p 0.05 and 0.01). Conclusion:
The moderate-severe respiratory sleep disorder was related to an increase in resting blood pressure and a trend that did not reach statistical significance in the findings of altered hemodynamic patterns.