Tambaqui growth and survival when exposed to different photoperiods
Acta amaz; 36 (3), 2006
Publication year: 2006
The use of different photoperiods (light) were investigated during tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) juvenile growth under captivity.
Light intensity tested was:
continuous dark (24hrs without light), natural photoperiod simulation (10hrs of light and 14hrs without light) and continuous light (24 with light). No mortality was recorded among treatments. Significant differences was observed after 50 days of experiment among mean fish weight, fish kept under a continuous darkness showed a better specific growth rate (6.02 percent) when compared to control fish (natural photo period, 3.67 percent). Fish exposed to continuous light presented the lowest mean specific growth rate (2.04 percent). It is possible to improve tambaqui juvenile weight gain performance when kept under continuous darkness.
Investigou-se o uso de diferentes fotos períodos (iluminação) durante o crescimento de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) em cativeiro.