Episodios de Hipotonía Hiporrespuesta (EHH) postvacunación: reporte de una serie de casos
Post-vaccination hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes: report of a series of cases

Rev. Hosp. Niños B.Aires; 60 (268), 2018
Publication year: 2018


Describir características clínicas, antecedentes de vacunación, recursos médicos utilizados y continuidad del esquema de vacunación de los casos de Episodio de Hipotonía Hiporrespuesta (EHH) que consultaron al Vacunatorio del Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez (HNRG).

Materiales y métodos:

Estudio descriptivo de serie de casos. Se incluyeron los niños con diagnóstico de EHH, según los Criterios de Brighton, que consultaron entre Enero 2010 y Agosto 2017.


Se registraron 14 casos, 1 se descartó por datos insuficientes (n= 13). La media de edad fue 5 meses, sin predominio de sexo. Diez casos se presentaron luego de la 1° dosis y todos antes de las 24hs. Recibieron quíntuple celular 12 pacientes, hexavalente 1; recibieron otras vacunas 11 casos.

Síntomas concomitantes más frecuentes:

fiebre e irritabilidad. Realizaron consulta médica 12 y se internaron 9. Doce tuvieron recuperación total, de 1 no hay datos. Ocho continuaron el esquema con vacuna acelular, uno con celular y ninguno presentó complicaciones.


Todos presentaron el EHH dentro de las 24hs post vacunación con componente pertussis, con recuperación completa. La mayoría luego de la primera dosis. Más del 80% requirió consulta médica y casi el 70% internación. La continuidad del esquema no se asoció con complicaciones


To describe the clinical manifestations, vaccination history, medical resources used and the continuity of the vaccination schedule in all the cases of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHE) seen in the immunization center of Ricardo Gutierrez Children´s Hospital.

Materials and methods:

Descriptive study of a retrospective case series. All children diagnosed with HHE according to the Brighton Criteria, who were seen between January 2010 and August 2017, were included.


There were 14 cases, one of which was dismissed due to insufficient data (n= 13). The mean age was 5 months, with no predominance of sex. Ten of the episodes occurred after the 1st dose and all of them within 24 hs. Twelve patients received pentavalent whole-cell vaccines, one received the hexavalent vaccine and eleven received other vaccines. The most frequent concomitant symptoms were fever and irritability. Twelve required medical consultation and nine, hospitalization.


12 recovered completely and data were missing from 1. Eight of the patients who were followed up continued with acellular vaccines, one with pentavalent whole-cell vaccine. None presented complications.


All patients presented the HHE within 24 hours after the administration of pertussis component vaccines, recovering completely HHE has been observed mainly after the first dose More than 80% required medical consultation and almost 70%, hospitalization. The continuity of the schedule was not associated with complications

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