Derroteros adolescentes
Teen routes
Poiésis (En línea); 21 (Jun.), 2011
Publication year: 2011
En el contexto actual se torna quimérica la posibilidad de instituir un acto subjetivo que permita al adolescente consumarse y reconocerse en una identidad propia. Frente a la imposibilidad de simbolizar y servirse de los significantes se propugna un actuar compulsivo lo que conduce a fenómenos que se inscriben en los dominios del acto antes que en los de la palabra.
In the current context, the possibility of instituting a subjective act that allows the adolescent to consummate and recognize himself in his own identity becomes chimerical. Faced with the impossibility of symbolizing and making use of signifiers, compulsive acting is advocated, which leads to phenomena that are inscribed in the domains of the act rather than in those of the word.