La calidez en enfermería: formulación de constructo y variables relacionadas
The Warmth in Nursing: Construct Formulation and Related Variables
O calor humano em enfermagem: formulação do construto e variáveis relacionadas
Investig. enferm; 18 (1), 2016
Publication year: 2016
La calidez es un fenómeno subjetivo fundamental en las relaciones personales. La calidez se contagia y, así, puede ser un factor favorecedor en el cuidado, mas no existe
consenso en su definición ni dominios. Medir la calidez es significativo, pues es un
predictor de satisfacción usuaria; sin embargo, no se encontraron modos de medirla,
lo que motivó esta revisión.
Identificar en la revisión teórica comportamientos que representen la calidez del enfermero y operar el constructo calidez en enfermería y variables relacionadas.Método:
Revisión integrativa que abarcó la exploración y análisis de la evidencia sobre calidez, la cual corresponde a la primera etapa del proyecto de investigación titulado: Construcción y validación de una escala de medición de la calidez presente en los enfermeros, donde se pretende construir y validar una escala que permita medir este fenómeno. Se revisaron definiciones de calidez en diccionarios, textos y artículos de diversas bases de datos.Los descriptores utilizados fueron:
calidez, calidez y enfermería, en español e inglés. Para definir el constructo y sus variables se complementó el modelo de tres fases de Luiz Pasquali con los procedimientos de Ethel Bauzer y Floyd Fowler.Resultados:
Se formuló el constructo calidez en enfermería, se identificaron 2 dominios, 28 variables verbales, 9 no verbales y 93 comportamientos.Conclusiones:
Los resultados de la fase teórica del modelo aplicado permitieron formular constructo, dominios y variables de calidez en enfermería. Estos aportes son de interés para la gestión del cuidado enfermero y enseñanza, pues se relacionan directamente con la satisfacción usuaria.
The warmth is a subjective phenomenon, fundamental in human relationships. The
warmth is contagious, so may be a factor favoring care, but there is no consensus on
its definition and domains. Since warmth is a predictor of user satisfaction, it is relevant to use an appropriate way to measure it; however, there have not been found
ways to measure it, which motivated this revision. The three-stage procedure of Luiz
Pasquali was used to do that, which considers Theoretical, Empirical and Analytical
This paper presents the results of the first theoretical phase:
behaviors associated with warmth previously identified in the literature.Objectives:
To identify behaviors that represent the warmth of the Nurse by reviewing specialized literature, and to operationalize the construct warmth and related variables.Method:
Integrative literature review that included the exploration and analysis of the evidence on warmth, which corresponds to the first stage of the research project entitled: Construction and validation of a scale for measuring this warmth in Nursing, which aims to build and validate a scale to measure this phenomenon. This work corresponds to the Theoretical Phase of Pascuali’s model. Definition of warmth was revised by using dictionaries and technical articles from various repositories. The descriptors used were “warmth” and “warmth and nursing” in Spanish and English. To define the construct and its variables, the Ethel Bauzer’s procedures and Floyd Fowler’s method were also considered to supplement the Pascuali’s model.Results:
Formulation of the construct Warmth in Nursing which includes, 2 domains, 28 verbal variables, 9 nonverbal variables and 93 behaviors.Conclusions:
The results of the theoretical phase of the applied model, allowed to formulate the construct domains and variables of Warmth in Nursing. These contributions are of interest for the management of nursing care and teaching, as are directly related to user satisfaction.
O calor humano é um fenômeno subjetivo fundamental nos relacionamentos. O calor
humano é contagioso, por isso pode ser um fator relevante no cuidado, mas não há
consenso sobre sua definição ou domínios. Medir o calor humano é relevante porque
é um preditor de satisfação do usuário, no entanto, não encontraram maneiras de
medir, o que motivou essa revisão.