El deseo de hijo en las parentalidades actuales: infertilidad y técnicas reproductivas
[The desire for a child in today parenthood: Infertility and reproductive techniques].

Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr; 25 (117), 2014
Publication year: 2014

The advances in reproductive medicine have unprecedentedly expanded the possibilities to form a family. Today we can speak of a diversity of ways to access to parenthood.

The paradigm of family formations has also changed following the diversity of parenting projects:

heterosexual couples, blended families (post-divorce), couples formed by lesbians and gays and single parenting. The vicissitudes of "desire for a child" under current parenthood lead us to think about their scope in clinical reproductive disorders or infertility and new family configurations. One of the destinies of the desire for a child in women is the "passion for a child", the child at any cost. Thinking of the changes in parenthood in this field involves not only the desire to have a child in a woman, a man or a couple, but also the history of the origins in children. Especially with some of the reproductive techniques used, such as surrogacy and the donation of gametes-eggs (ovum and sperm). In these cases we are dealing with new articulations of blood ties, kinship and parenthood.

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