Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Functionality, and Quality of Life in Climacteric Women

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.); 34 (4), 2021
Publication year: 2021

Abstract Background:

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) comprises a group of cardiac and circulatory diseases. Despite the high incidence in males, women after menopause have an exponential increase in the risk of CVD.


To identify the leading risk factors for CVD and describe quality of life and functionality in women hospitalized for cardiac causes during the climacteric period.

Materials and methods:

Observational descriptive study. Quality of life was assessed through the SF-36 questionnaire, and functionality through the Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) scale. Records were used to identify the main risk factors associated with CVD in climacteric women.


We included 30 patients (mean age, 55 ± 6 years). The mean FIM score was 118 ± 3, and the mean SF-36 score, 20 ± 10. Hypertension and sedentary lifestyle were the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors in these women.


Hypertension and sedentary lifestyle were the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors in this sample of climacteric women hospitalized for cardiac causes. Quality of life was strongly affected, with social, emotional, and mental health domains showing the most impact.

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