Tillering dynamics in spring and summer of marandu palisade grass pastures previously used under deferred grazing
[Dinâmica de perfilhamento na primavera e no verão de pastagens de capim-marandu previamente utilizadas sob pastejo diferido]
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online); 73 (6), 2021
Publication year: 2021
This work was conducted to evaluate the effect of deferred pasture condition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu in the late winter on tillering during the growing season.
The treatments were three pasture conditions at late winter:
short pasture, tall pasture and tall/mown pasture. In September and October, tiller appearance rate (TApR) and tiller mortality rate (TMoR) were greater in the tall/mown pasture. In November and December, tall pasture presented greater TApR. From November to January the TMoR was greater in the tall pasture. The tiller stability index of short and tall/mown pastures were greater in October. The short pasture presented a greater tiller number than the tall and tall/mown pastures during the entire experimental period. Deferred and short pasture of marandu palisade grass at late winter presents in general lower tiller mortality and higher population density of tillers from the early spring onwards, in comparison to tall pasture. The mowing of marandu palisade grass with high forage mass at the late winter, although it only temporarily compromises the population stability of tillers, also stimulates its fast tillering from spring on.(AU)
Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da condição da pastagem diferida de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu ao final do inverno sobre o perfilhamento durante a estação de crescimento.