El efecto de la vitamina D3 y su relación. con el nivel de glóbulos blancos en las mujeres con aborto espontáneo, inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI) técnicao
The effect of vitamin D3 and its relationship with the level of white blood cells in women spontaneous miscarriage undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique
Prensa méd. argent; 106 (7), 2020
Publication year: 2020
Women were studied undergoing ICSI for 84 who suffer non-pregnancy at the Fertility Center, Al-Sadr Medical Hospital in Najaf Governorate, Period between January 2019 and March 2020. WBC,
Vitamin D3 and β-hCG were measured, The pregnant women was divided into (Pregnancy Group,
and spontaneous miscarriage) and then demonstrate the immunological effect on pregnancy of women
after ICSI technique.
Current resultsstudy showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in hormone level β-hCG is evidence of
the presence of high success rates for pregnancy in women who performed operations IVF, where the
success rate at the beginning of the matter reached 61.9%, after which it decreased to 33.3% after the
first three months due to the occurrence of spontaneous miscarriage of pregnant women due to various
immunological and physiological reasons, a positive correlation between the level of β-hCG and other
parameters in the study (Vitamin D3 -WBC).Also The current resultsshowed a significant decrease
in a groups (pregnancy failure) and the group (spontaneous miscarriage) compared with the control
group (continued pregnancy) in relation to the level of vitamin D3 Also, The current results showed a
significant increasein (pregnancy failure) and (spontaneous miscarriage) compared with control groups
(continuation of pregnancy) in relation WBC numbers, and the present study founds a negative relationship between the level of vitamin D3 and WBC.