Coronavirus Pandemics Era and Cancer Patients
A Era do Coronavirus Pandêmico e os Pacientes Oncológicos
Era de Coronavirus Pandémico y Pacientes con Cáncer

Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online); 67 (4), 2021
Publication year: 2021

There are more and more studies that establish that viruses similar to the coronavirus (SARS) can be transmitted from animals to people hundreds of thousands of times a year, facilitating new adaptations in humans and therefore the development of pandemics1 . Recently, a work under review based on samples from the Indochinese peninsula, concludes that these viruses can move rapidly in wide geographic ranges in bat reservoirs, frequently infecting people who work in caves, such as guano collectors, or certain ascetic religious communities who spend time in or very close to caves, as well as tourists who visit caves, at particular risk of exposure2 . In addition, it must be considered that it will also depend on the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) variants associated with global vaccination campaigns in order to maintain the efficacy of current vaccines3 . It is therefore of vital importance to continue innovating in new vaccination strategies that allow covering the majority of coronaviruses of animal origin, as well as new variants derived from SARS-CoV-2

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