Reading digital- versus print-easy texts: a study with university students who prefer digital sources

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
Publication year: 2022

The transition from on-paper to on-screen reading seems to make it necessary to raise some considerations, as a greater attentional efort has been claimed for print texts than digital ones. Not surprisingly, most university students prefer this digital medium.

This research aims to examine reading times by contextualizing this phenomenon into two processes:

namely, word recognition and reading comprehension task on paper and on screen. Thus, two diferent tasks—counterbalanced into digital and print mediums—were carried out per each participant with a preference for a digital medium: a reading comprehension task (RCT) and a lexical decision task (LDT) after reading a specifc story. Participants were slower reading print texts and no statistically signifcant diferences were found in RCT accuracy. This result suggests that the task required more cognitive resources under the print medium for those with a worse comprehension performance in reading, and a more conservative pattern in digital RCT for those with a better performance.

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