Hang the DJ: No hay DJ del DJ
Hang the DJ There is no DJ of the DJ

Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires); 14 (n. esp), 2018
Publication year: 2018

La premisa de "Hang the DJ" es bastante simple: las personas prefieren que un sistema de software decida por ellas. Es más fácil que Otro decida y solamente obedecer, eso quita la responsabilidad y la duda de haber realizado la opción correcta. La eterna, insidiosa, asfixiante duda se diluye, en la medida que no hay que decidir. La vida se torna una sumisa obediencia a los mandatos de un Otro sabio. Pero en cuestiones del amor, no hay saber que se sustente y este será el eje en el que se centre nuestro análisis
The premise of "Hang the DJ" is quite simple: people prefer that a software system decides for them. It is easier for Another to decide and only obey, that removes the responsibility and doubt of having made the right choice. The eternal, insidious, suffocating doubt is diluted, to the extent that there is no need to decide. Life becomes a submissive obedience to the commands of a wise Other. But in matters of love, there is no knowing that it is sustained and this will be the axis on which our analysis is centered

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